Writing Habit

The benefits for me to form a good writing habit:

  1. Practice mindfulness by writing
    You have to think of something to write, when you start writing but can think of something. Most of these thoughts are self-reflections. You have to dig a little beneath the surface to uncover suppress feelings, anxious thoughts. It feels liberating when you acknowledged these feelings and let it go by writing about it.
  2. Practice clear thoughts by writing
    The thoughts in your head are a beautiful mess of unstructured neurons firing at each other. When you write you form a structure to your thinking that rewires the neurons. Practice this enough and unconsciously you will think differently about how you think.
  3. Practice clear writing by writing
    We live by communicating with each other, there is no other way around it. Written form of communication is a powerful leverage. Of course there is also miss-communication. Writing has limited bandwidth to show emotions, so you need to be able to write clear and concise to convey your thoughts. Your thoughts are unique they deserve good writing.