New goals for Q3 (weekly post)

Starting of Q3 I want to set a new goal for myself. I have always struggled with completing projects and writing consistently. To help me build this habit I have set out 2 goals:

1. Finish 1 Idea per week

Ideas are always constant, the hard part is how do you know what is a good idea and what is bad one. And the next thing is what ideas should you pursue and what ideas should you let go. Sometimes even good ideas are not always the right time for you to pursue it. The best way to answer both questions above is to ACT and FEEDBACK.


To gauge how interested you are to work on the problem, and how interesting the problem is. Exploring the problem. BUT, important to note, don’t get to deep in the rabbit hole. Set out limitations for yourself. One of them is time (1 week to ship).


This could be the slap in the face that you need. Or the external motivation and validation that you need. Important that you share.

What is the Idea: a side project idea OR feature of an existing product

Finish definition: Launch and share to public

2. Write Consistently

I have sort of lost touch of this habit. It was really useful for me in the early part of the year to clear my thoughts as sort of a meditation. The next step maybe is for me to learn good writing structure and write good stories. The first step is to untangle the mess of the mind, the next step is to piece the puzzle (or words) in to a beautiful art work, as the best to my abilities.

  • Personal Journal Daily
  • Topical every other day
  • Post and Share weekly
  • Write 200 words daily